Thursday, February 19, 2009

Movi Madness!!

Just had a great session with Marie using See&Share with Movi (until it dropped out). After several attempts to engage Movi with no joy, and then a screen message telling us that the Internet was having problems and would drop was back to the telephone for audio.
We achieved just as effectively with this combination.
Looked at and drew on a document, then went into a Centra room and had a good look at the screen, all the icons, and several items on the Agenda. It was great looking at it this way and discussing it without having to be manipulating it at the same time.
Next was our Moodle sites where we went in and together stepped through changing the time zone setting. It was fun doing it together and less frustrating as we each picked up different 'signposts' as we worked through the process.
I know I work better on something like this when I am communicating with others while doing it.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Thinking about this technology as I'm using it brings to mind the 'hundred monkey' concept. When enough of us are using it and automatically creating ways of incorporating it into our daily communications and other activities it will really take off for us as a network.
For me it's the having to stop and think about how, when, why I will use these 'things' that creates the barrier I need to dissolve. Part of that process will occur with this project because it's making me take the time to look, experiment, explore and become familiar with these technologies. It's taking me out of my comfort zone a bit however I am really enjoying the experience as I am discovering I can do this.
I know I will enjoy promoting this to others and would like to work with this group on brainstorming some promotional ideas we can take away with us.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I've arrived

The hardest part of this exercise was getting the URL I liked! Well I'm away with this at last but now have to dash as I have a plane to catch.

Will get back to this next week and post some thoughts.